Retailer Stories: Suzanne Grae
You visit Bull Creek Central Shopping Centre and shop at the stores there, but do you know the people behind these stores and who brought them to life? Read their stories here
Suzanne Grae are located near Jamaica Blue. Jenny, Retail Assistant tells us her retailer story…
Tell us about your store?
Suzanne Grae has a great atmosphere with a wide variety of clothes for all age groups.
What products, services or experiences do you offer?
We ensure to deliver a friendly and honest service. We have many regular customers, quite a few of which we know by name. We make sure to have a lot of fun in our store. We are here to help and assist customers with their style choices. If you need a helping hand in selecting styles suited to your body shape, the entire Suzanne Grae team can help. We love taking the time to really help each customer on a personalised level.
What do you love about your store?
I am very lucky to say EVERYTHING. My team members, customers and working in the Bull Creek Central are a joy to work alongside.
What feedback to you get from your customers?
‘Many thanks’, especially due to my product knowledge. I love helping customers with choosing items they wouldn’t normally try on but end up loving.
Do you have a funny story you would like to share?
Our Manager ‘twirling’ in her new dress and getting ladies in store to join her.
What are some common customer questions you get?
“What are the colour trends this season?”
What is your most memorable moment in your store?
Modelling clothes for ladies unsure of their sizes.
What’s three words that describe your store?
Fun, helpful and supportive.
What are some of your favourite stores in your Bull Creek Central Shopping Centre?
Spendless Shoes and ours of course 😉
How have you coped with COVID-19 and what are you looking forward to?
It’s been a challenge at times. I am looking forward to everyone feeling safe and well.